Friday, February 13, 2009

Sick this week!

This week...the sun is baking my class.

It was felt on Tuesday. This time of the year we were bored out 'coz of downpours but mother nature gave us baking heats this week. The windows of my class looked out to a neighbouring school but it didn't conceal the horizon high enough. And it faced east so every sunrise was pure torture in my class.

On Wednesdays, my class opens up the day with general chemistry. After two periods, we changed into our sports attire and told by the coach to run around the oval twice as a warm up. But we were taken aback as the day PhysEd session was more like a dance lesson. The coach taught us how to do a type of "dance" (following the link will take you to Wikipedia on an article explaining what the dance was)
But the miracle of the day was that two teachers, one had a sudden arrangement and the other went to Java, weren't able to teach us that day and both teachers were responsible for a double period. So two teachers X two periods = 4 hours of free periods. Yay

But both teachers left my class assignments and the following picture will give you an idea on how my classmates do an assignment....

So funny... We work together to survive the onslaughter of Trigonometry....

The following day was Thursday and the day ended with Social Study pop quiz. I managed to scrape an 80 on this one. The next day was Biology pop quiz....

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